

  • Date : 03/27/2024


Collard Greens Please

   Collard Greens are my favorite green of all time, Mustard and Turnip greens are cool but not like that( my opinion)! I have been eating collard greens my whole life. It was not until recently, I wanted to experiment with the favors and ideas when comes to enjoying collard greens on different levels. In eggrolls, salad, gumbo, inside of a chicken wing, dip. I love creating meals with different culture and places in mind. 

Collard greens were just one of a few veggies that enslaved African Americans were allowed to grow & harvest for themselves and their family. Collards have been associated with cancer prevention, detox support, anti inflammatory properties, heart health and digestive support. Collard greens can be purchased all year round but taste better & more nutritious in cold months. Especially, January- April.